An item of my item invention. (Don't really have a proper name for it yet)

So yeah. Basically it's like a mat thing, like something for a chest. That's what I did with it. 😛 But it could be used as a small rug or table placement. Since it was a hard stitch, used a ton of yarn and was hard to make, I'll price it at :
$13 + $3 shipping 😉😃

Around my house things have been busy. School is going great and so the littles are learning so much! Caden (pictured below) has read 2 books this week, for the first time ever! He did so great and it's really improving everyday. 💙
We've also been going to the creek a lot, which is tons of fun!

What have you been up to lately? I'll be posting new items soon!!

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